Holo-Engineer Log - Hologram Study Report 1 – Recording and Live Observation
SECTION 1 - Current Ship Status Operational Status The USS Dragonfly is constantly recording and livestreaming everywhere within the...
SECTION 1 - Current Ship Status Operational Status The USS Dragonfly is constantly recording and livestreaming everywhere within the...
2020.07.07 Shore party mission report. The mission to the Moose Creek landing site has been successfully completed without incident. The...
I arrived at the Spokanthro station in the company of another ensign and found the newly unveiled facility already bustling with...
Chief Engineer Personal Log 0524.18 Lieutenant James Fluffball After returning from the Furlandia port with the requisitioned cargo, and...
Personal Log 0215.19 Commander James Fluffball Personal long, I have taken over the role as XO, as per the Captain request. The level 8...
Lieutenant James Fluffball The residents and others aboard the Orycon Station are a sight to see. It is a classic design and they updated...
Personal Log Stardate 0525.18 Marcus Polk reporting.... Yeah, I think this is how these things are meant to start. I am not sure really....
Captain Armstrong has taken a public transport to the Furlandia space port. I will be taking the runabout Monroe later and meet up with...
It has been a couple months since the Captain and I have returned from the Region 5 Meeting at the Orycon Spaceport. We encountered some...
******All Hand - General Announcement ****** Christmas had got here today. We have 22 tugs and cargo ship starting to beam stuff aboard....
Hi All So after the summers is over I am hoping to start getting things together for Star Fleet International. So I hope everyone is...
Computer send the following notice to the Engineering Department: Ok enough is enough. An Office chair with a tricorder taped to one arm...
Personal Log: Finally, I have bed. My quarters have finally been finished with the modifications I wanted. Had the quarters next to might...
Supplemental I have called in several favors and one being an old debt from an Ferengi whom owes me a large amount of gold press latinum...
Canisians and Caitans living together! Mass hysteria! My trip to the market at Port Furlandia was pleasantly successful. The proceeds...
Supplimental: After reporting aboard USS Monroe, for the transport to the incomplete Excelsior class vessel that is to be our command. I...
Several days ago I received a communique from an old friend in the fleet. I had been working the forge art my Canisian home, constructing...
With the temporary computer core still running this ship we are finding it is over extended and has some corruptions. One being the Star...