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Captain's Notes:


So back in 1989 to 1990's I was a member of StarFleet International. I left and it's been many years that haven't thought about going back. But last RadCon I talked to Mitch Dunn about the new StarFleet International. So since then me and James have been thinking about it.

So the first thing to ask you all who would like to join and have the first (that I know of)human/furry ship in StarFleet?

Part of my thoughts is to get an old Excelsior Class ship and upgrade and refit it. We can write department reports (short stories) on how refit going. Get some artist to draw the designs of crew quarters for different races. Meet at different con's and recruit & party and such. Outside of con's have BBQ and other fun things.


We start off as a shuttle and we need to get an active StarFleet International ship to sponsor us. Mitch is getting me information so I can make that happen.


Now about join StarFleet International I will not require everyone to join, but if would be nice and of course, command staff will need to join. It’s $10.00 year so it’s not too bad and if you have a number of members join in your house you go look at the page you can buy group memberships.


Now start thinking of what position you would like. Captain is already taken , but you can do as much or as little you can do. I think Chief Engineer is taken (my husband) but everything else is open. Please think of 3 positions you would like to do. We will have members all over the USA and maybe Canada and there are plenty of jobs for everyone.


Part of my thoughts is to get an old Excelsior Class ship and upgrade and refit it. We can write department reports (short stories) on how refit going. Get some artist to draw the designs of crew quarters for different races. Meet at different con's and recruit & party and such. Outside of con's have BBQ and other fun things. Rustycon will be one of many ports of call and we will look at other con’s down the road, or maybe an SCA event as a landing team missions.

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